Starting a School - Mosaica Education

Professional Development Programs

A school’s educators, staff, and administrators are the foundation of its success, and you want to make certain they have the tools they need to create a vibrant and dynamic learning environment for children. Mosaica’s professional development programs are meaningful and transformational, and give you the confidence that you are equipping and inspiring school leaders and staff with the skills to improve your school’s culture and academic performance.

The most stimulating and effective teachers and administrators are lifelong learners themselves. They look forward to participating in our programs, which Mosaica creates to suit each school’s needs. Our innovative professional development method includes:

  • Individualized Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) for all teachers
  • Topics such as Effective School Leadership, Activating Prior Knowledge, Socratic Discussion, Role Play, Cooperative Learning, Graphic Organizers, and Personal Connection Journaling
  • Mosaica Leadership Institute (MLI), an additional 12 days of administrative training per year
  • Summer Leadership Retreat (SLR), an annual conference for Heads of Schools, regional management and corporate management teams
  • Curriculum planning and development
  • ParagonTM training, development, and implementation
  • Learning Management System administration
  • Classroom management tools and techniques
  • Performance benchmarks